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Dundee Disinfectant Producer Cleans Up 12,000% Sales Increase During Pandemic

from The Courier, Aug 2020

Due to demand for cleaning products during Covid-19, a disinfectant manufacturer located in Dundee experienced a 12,000% increase in revenue. Growth at Ecoanolytes has also seen the number of employees grow from two to 25, in a matter of months.

Launched in 2018, Ecoanolytes - known as Disinfecting Electrolysed Water (DEW) Products - offers an environmentally safe range of sanitising and cleaning products that use a skin-friendly PH agent that the company claims is 30 times more effective than bleach in destroying germs and viruses.

The rapid growth of the company was driven by support from Business Gateway, who, via Business Loan Scotland and Dundee City Council, provided advice and helped founder Erik Smyth secure substantial funding.

By targeting foreign markets, the manufacturing start-up is now looking to expand on this growth and is currently liaising with distributors in Germany, Greece, and Canada.

In order to produce and store the products sold via e-commerce, wholesale and overseas channels, the company is looking for a third location in the region.

The company claims that its products, made from the electrolysis of a salt solution, are cruelty-free, reusable, refillable and safe for use around children and in food preparation areas.

Mr Smyth stated: “COVID-19 has not just been an accelerator from an e-commerce point of view, it’s made every consumer and business rethink what they buy, where they buy it and how they buy it.

“We’re currently providing refills and products to a range of businesses that we’d never have been able to get in front of had it not been for the pandemic and we hope that as we continue to expand the business, the future of cleaning is more sustainable with Dew Products.”

Mr Smyth paid tribute to the support his firm had received from Business Gateway and Dundee City Council.


Millar, J., 2020. Dundee Disinfectant-Maker Cleans Up 12000% Sales Increase During Pandemic - The Courier. [online] The Courier. Available at: [Accessed 26 August 2020].

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